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Additional metadata in the resulting response schema

If you need to add fields to the response schema that are not supported by AbstractResponseSchema.from_api_route, you can use the respond function.

# file
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from fastapi_responseschema import AbstractResponseSchema

T = TypeVar("T")

class ResponseSchema(AbstractResponseSchema[T], Generic[T]):
    data: T
    error: bool
    code: str  # From a `result_code` field, not natively supported by constructors

    def from_exception(cls, reason: T, status_code: int, result_code: str = "Error", **others):
        return cls(
            error=status_code >= 400, 

    def from_api_route(
        cls, content: T, status_code: int, result_code: Optional[str] = None, **others
        return cls(
            error=status_code >= 400, 


# file
from fastapi import APIRouter
from fastapi_responseschema import respond
from .schemas import StandardAPIRoute  # the SchemaAPIRoute you defined

router = APIRouter(route_class=StandardAPIRoute)

class ParrotMessage(BaseModel):
    message: str"/parrot")
def repeat(body: ParrotMessage):
    return respond({"parrot_says": body.message}, result_code="OK_PARROT_HEALTHY")

In a similar way, for fields that are not supported in AbstractResponseSchema.from_exception you can raise an exception with metadata:

from fastapi_responseschema.exceptions import GenericHTTPException

def repeat():
    raise GenericHTTPException(status_code=405, detail="This is a faulty service", result_code="KO_NOT_SUPPORTED")


When developing a backend service usually we keep raising the same few excpetions with the same status code. You can use the exceptions module to reduce a little bit the boilerplate code.

from fastapi_responseschema.exceptions import MethodNotAllowed, Gone, NotFound


def repeat():
    raise MethodNotAllowed(detail="This is a faulty service", result_code="KO_NOT_SUPPORTED")

def ghost():
    raise Gone(detail="This resource is gone, forever.", result_code="KO_CREEPY_GONE")

def ghost():
    raise NotFound(detail="Nope man, can't help you", result_code="KO_NOT_FOUND")