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Response schemas heavily rely on the concept of pydantic GenericModel.

In this way response_model can be wrapped by the ResponseSchema in the fastapi operation.

ResponseSchema will wrap your response ONLY if you configured a response_model in your route operation.

In order to create a response schema you need to make the class a Generic type.

from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from fastapi_responseschema import AbstractResponseSchema

T = TypeVar("T")

class ResponseSchema(AbstractResponseSchema[T], Generic[T]):


When creating a response schema, constructors must be defined in subclass to ensure that the final response model gets correctly created and additional metadata can be passed to the final response.


This constructor wraps the final response from an exception handler. You can view the full parameter list here.


This constructor wraps the final response when initializing an APIRoute. You can view the full parameter list here.

from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from fastapi_responseschema import AbstractResponseSchema

T = TypeVar("T")

class ResponseSchema(AbstractResponseSchema[T], Generic[T]):
    data: T
    error: bool
    message: str

    def from_exception(cls, reason: T, status_code: int, message: str = "Error", **others):  # from an exception handler 
        return cls(
            error=status_code >= 400, 

    def from_api_route(
        cls, content: T, status_code: int, description: Optional[str] = None, **others
    ):  # from an api route
        return cls(
            error=status_code >= 400, 

Multiple response schemas can be built and composed in SchemaAPIRoute subclasses.